Multi-Resolution on the Sphere: MRS
Description MRS contains IDL routines for wavelet, ridgelet and curvelet transform on the sphere, and applications such denoising on the sphere using wavelets and/or curvelets, Gaussianity tests and Independent Component Analysis on the Sphere.
MRS is based on two packages, IDL and Healpix. MRS can be used only if these two packages have been installed. MR/S software is included in the iSAP collection of packages.
Publications Papers related to the following experiments:
- P. Abrial, Y. Moudden, J.L. Starck,M.J. Fadili, J. Delabrouille, and M. Nguyen, "CMB Data Analysis and Sparsity" , Statistical Methodology , Vol 5, No 4, pp 289-298, 2008.
- P. Abrial, Y. Moudden, J.L. Starck, J. Bobin, M.J. Fadili, B. Afeyan and M. Nguyen, "Morphological Component Analysis and Inpainting on the Sphere: Application in Physics and Astrophysics" , Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications (JFAA), special issue on ``Analysis on the Sphere'', 13, 6, pp 729-748, 2007.
- J.-L Starck, Y. Moudden, P. Abrial and M. Nguyen, "Wavelets, Ridgelets and Curvelets on the Sphere", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 446, 1191-1204, 2006.
- J. Jin, J.-L. Starck, D.L. Donoho, N. Aghanim and O. Forni, "Cosmological non-Gaussian Signature Detection: Comparing Performance of Different Statistical Tests", Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing , 2005, 15 pp 2470-2485, 2005.
- J.-L. Starck, N. Aghanim and O. Forni, "Detecting Cosmological non-Gaussian Signatures by Multi-scale Methods" , Astronomy and Astrophysics , 416, 9--17, 2004.
MRS Experiments Experiments relative to the MRS package:.
Multiscale Decomposition on the Sphere
- Undecimated Isotropic Wavelet Transform on the Sphere
- Pyramidal Isotropic Wavelet Transform on the Sphere
- Ridgelet Transform on the Sphere
- Curvelet Transform on the Sphere