
Reproducible research in cosmology Reproducibility is at the heart of scientific methodology, and experiments must be replicable for a result to be well established. Necessary condition to truthfully replicate the experiment is that the paper describes it in enough detail that other groups can mimic it. With the development of computers and mathematical methodologies, algorithms to extract the information from the data are more and more complex, and it becomes almost impossible to reproduce the figures of a given paper. This is especially true in cosmology where the statistical analysis plays a key role. The concept of reproducible research consists in providing not only the data related to a given paper, but also codes that were used to analyse the data and the scripts that were used to process the data and create the figures. A nice example is the last Planck Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) results. None of the official Planck PR1 CMB maps are reproducible, while our group has released all information (data, code, scripts) to reproduce our results.

Sparse Representation Software

Weak Lensing Software

  • SPRITE: C++ package for PSF and compact sources super-resolution.
  • MRLens : IDL code for Dark matter mass map reconstruction from weak lensing data.
  • FASTLens (FAst STatistics for weak Lensing): : Fast method for Weak Lensing Statistics and map making.
  • GLIMPSE: High Resolution Weak Lensing Mass-Mapping Combining Shear and Flexion.

3D Spherical Maps Analysis

iSAP: Interactive Sparse Astronomical data analysis Packages Serie

Interactive Sparse Astronomical Data Analysis Packages (iSAP) is a package serie (IDL and C++ code) which includes the following packages:

  • Sparse2D V1.0Sparsity for 1D and 2D data sets
    IDL and C++ code, allowing sparse decomposition, denoising and deconvolution.
  • MSVST V1.0: Multi-Scale Variance Stabilizing Transform for 1D and 2D data sets
    IDL and C++ code for Poisson noise removal. Matlab code can also be found here.
  • MRS V3.2: MultiResolution on the Sphere
    IDL and C++ code for sparse representation on the sphere. More details can be found here.
  • SparsePOL V1.1: Polarized Spherical Wavelets and Curvelets
    IDL code for sparse representation of polarized data on the sphere. More details can be found here.
  • MRS-MSVSTS V1.1: Multi-Scale Variance Stabilizing Transform on the Sphere
    IDL code for Poisson noise removal and deconvolution on mono-channel and multichannel spherical data. More details can be found here.
  • SparseGal V1.0: Sparsity for galaxies survey analysis
    IDL code, with two subpackages:

    • ISW V1.0: Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect detection.
    • DarthFader V1.0: Spectroscopic Redshift Estimation using sparsity.
  • SparseCMB V1.0: Sparsity for CMB data analysis
    IDL code, with three subpackages:

    • TOUSI V1.0: True Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum Estimator.
    • Anomalies V1.0: CMB large scale anomalies detection.
    • PRISM V1.0: Sparse Recovery of the Primordial Power Spectrum.

The code and documentation can be from this web page.

Galaxy Survey Software

Radio-Interferometric Imaging

  • SASIR : 2D radio interferometric image reconstruction.